Tribal Court Child Advocacy Program
The Karuk Tribal Court Child Advocate Program provides trained advocates to support the best interests of the children/youth who come into the court system primarily as a result of being a victim of abuse, neglect, family violence, domestic violence, or sexual assault. An advocate for the Karuk Tribal Court Child Advocate Program advocates for the best interests of the child/youth to whom they are assigned. They perform independent fact finding and then report back to the judge with their findings through written reports. They supplement the role of other professional involved in the case. They visit with their child/youth on a regular basis. They interview the parents, guardians, teachers, social workers; but most of all; they are a friend to the child/youth.
Court appointed Child Advocates aid child victims’ in the Tribal Court System. Services include but are not limited to: Case Monitoring, Resource Referrals, Orientation to Tribal and Criminal Justice Systems, Court Accompaniment, Assistance in finding Relief & Restitution, Advocacy with School System.
Karuk Tribal Court Child Advocates are considered professionals working alongside other professionals, such as attorneys, judges and social workers. The Karuk Tribal Court Child Advocate has a voice in the court system to ensure that every abused and neglected child/youth has the right to a safe, permanent home.
The Karuk Tribal Court Child Advocate Program Advocate does not engage in the following activities:
• Taking a child/youth to advocate’s home
• Giving legal advice or therapeutic counseling
• Making placement arrangements
• Giving large amounts of money or gifts to the child or family