Self Help Center
The Karuk Tribal Court Self Help Center is available to provide assistance to tribal members and their families with various civil (non-criminal) legal actions.
You can get assistance with filling out paperwork for either the Karuk Tribal Court or California Superior Court. Services may include but are not limited to:
Child Custody & Visitation
Divorce & Legal Separation
Civil & Domestic Violence Protection Orders
Name Changes
Tribal Court Guardianship
Referral to Available Community Resources
The Karuk Tribal Court Self Help Center staff cannot provide legal advice or representation in court. While we can give you general information regarding forms and processes, we cannot provide you with legal advice. If you require legal advice you will need to speak with a private attorney. The Self-Help Attorney and staff are NOT your attorney, does not represent you, and is not responsible for the outcome of your case. Staff assists both sides of the case equally. The emphasis of the Center is to provide legal information and education, not legal strategy and advice. The staff at the Center provides information about procedure, substantive law and choices litigants may have, thereby allowing litigants to make informed decisions about their case.
When people first come in contact with the Tribal Court, how their needs are assessed and how they are directed can significantly impact their experience with the court, as well as the Court’s ability to operate fairly and efficiently. Many times people are unsure or confused about what they need. Other times, they know what they need but have no idea how to accomplish it. Effective response when people first come in contact with the court can help to direct them appropriately and ensure an efficient use of limited resources
For more information or to make an appointment, contact the Self Help Center at (530) 643-0687 during business hours of Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. OR email to COURT.SelfHelp@karuk.us.